Our goal is to provide you with the tools and techniques to help you answer these questions. These will help you to enjoy every step of your journey through employment and beyond as you build a fulfilling and satisfying career.
We recognise that everybody is different with a unique blend of personality strengths, abilities, circumstances and aspirations. We therefore work with you to build up an in-depth profile of the current you and various potential routes open for you now and in the future.
Our Coaches add the essential human touch that allow our solutions to make the best use of the latest advances in psychology behavioural sciences and IT to deliver to you answers to your particular career questions and plot a route forward for you to develop along.
This programme is for you if you are –
- planning your entry into employment.
- reviewing or changing your current role.
- leaving full-time employment to, retire, set-up a business or move to the voluntary sector.
How does it work?
Whichever category you are in we start with an initial getting to know you exercise. This is done with some simple questions and a psychometric assessment that will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete.
This will help identify your strengths, career motivation, values and interests.
You will then receive your individual summary report and an invitation to chat with one of our coaches to establish what level of support you require.